Isaiah Chapter 51 GW Bible Verse Images

Isaiah 51 Bible Verse Pictures. Choose from a large collection of inspirational, motivational and encouraging Bible verses with pictures of nature. Download and share Isaiah 51 inspirational Bible verse images.

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Isaiah 51:1 (GW)
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Listen to me, you people who pursue what is right and seek the Lord. Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were dug.

Isaiah 51:2 (GW)
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Look to Abraham, your ancestor, and to Sarah, from whom you are descended. When I called Abraham, he was childless. I blessed him and gave him many descendants.

Isaiah 51:3 (GW)
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So the Lord will comfort Zion. He will comfort all those who live among its ruins. He will make its desert like Eden. He will make its wilderness like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in it, thanksgiving and the sound of singing.

Isaiah 51:4 (GW)
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Pay attention to me, my people. Open your ears to hear me, my nation. My teachings will go out from me. My justice will become a light for the people.

Isaiah 51:5 (GW)
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My righteousness is near. My salvation is on the way. I will bring justice to people. The coastlands put their hope in me, and they wait eagerly for me.

Isaiah 51:6 (GW)
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Look at the sky. Look at the earth below. The sky will vanish like smoke. The earth will wear out like clothing, and those who live there will die like flies. But my salvation will last forever, and my righteousness will never fail.

Isaiah 51:7 (GW)
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Listen to me, you people who know righteousness, you people who have my teachings in your hearts. Don’t be afraid of being insulted by people. Don’t be discouraged by their ridicule.

Isaiah 51:8 (GW)
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Moths will eat them like clothing. Worms will devour them like wool. But my righteousness will last forever, and my salvation will last throughout every generation.

Isaiah 51:9 (GW)
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Wake up! Wake up! Clothe yourself with strength, O Lord! Wake up as you did in days long past, as in generations long ago. Didn’t you cut Rahab into pieces and stab the serpent?

Isaiah 51:10 (GW)
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Didn’t you dry up the sea, the water of the great ocean? You made a road in the depths of the sea so that the people reclaimed by the Lord might pass through it.

Isaiah 51:11 (GW)
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The people ransomed by the Lord will return. They will come to Zion singing with joy. Everlasting happiness will be on their heads as a crown. They will be glad and joyful. They will have no sorrow or grief.

Isaiah 51:12 (GW)
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I alone am the one who comforts you. Why, then, are you afraid of mortals, who must die, of humans, who are like grass?

Isaiah 51:13 (GW)
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Why have you forgotten the Lord, your Creator? He stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth. Why should you live in constant fear of the fury of those who oppress you, of those who are ready to destroy you? Where is the fury of those who oppress you?

Isaiah 51:14 (GW)
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Chained prisoners will be set free. They will not die in prison. They will not go without food.

Isaiah 51:15 (GW)
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I am the Lord your God who stirs up the sea and makes its waves roar. My name is the Lord of Armies.

Isaiah 51:16 (GW)
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I put my words in your mouth and sheltered you in the palm of my hand. I stretched out the heavens, laid the foundations of the earth, and said to Zion, “You are my people.”

Isaiah 51:17 (GW)
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Wake up! Wake up! Stand up, Jerusalem! You drank from the cup in the Lord’s hand. That cup was filled with his anger. You drank from the bowl, the cup that makes people stagger, and you drained it!

Isaiah 51:18 (GW)
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From all the children she gave birth to, there was no one to guide her. From all the children she raised, there was no one to take her by the hand.

Isaiah 51:19 (GW)
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Twice as many disasters have happened to you. Who will feel sorry for you? Violence, destruction, famine, and war have happened to you. Who will comfort you?

Isaiah 51:20 (GW)
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Your children have fainted. They lie sleeping at every street corner. They are like an antelope caught in a net. They experience the anger of the Lord, the fury of your God.

Isaiah 51:21 (GW)
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Listen to this, you humble people who are drunk but not from wine.

Isaiah 51:22 (GW)
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The Lord your God defends his people. This is what your master says: I’m taking from your hand the cup that makes people stagger, the bowl, the cup of my fury. You will never drink from it again.

Isaiah 51:23 (GW)
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I will put it in the hands of those who made you suffer. They said to you, “Lie down so that we can walk over you.” So you made your back like the ground and like a street for them to cross.
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Available Bible Translations

American Standard Version (ASV)
Isaiah 51 (ASV) »
King James Version (KJV)
Isaiah 51 (KJV) »
Berean Bible (BSB)
Isaiah 51 (BSB) »
World English Bible (WEB)
Isaiah 51 (WEB) »
French Bible (LSG)
Ésaïe 51 (LSG) »
German Bible (LUTH1912)
Jesaja 51 (LUTH1912) »
Marathi Bible (MARIRV)
यशया 51 (MARIRV) »
Telugu Bible (TELIRV)
యెషయా 51 (TELIRV) »
Gujarati Bible (GUJIRV)
યશાયા 51 (GUJIRV) »
Hebrew Bible (HEB)
ישעיה 51 (HEB) »
Portuguese Bible (BSL)
Isaías 51 (BSL) »
Vietnamese Bible (VIE)
I-sai-a 51 (VIE) »
Spanish Bible (RVA)
Isaías 51 (RVA) »
Italian Bible (RIV)
Isaia 51 (RIV) »
Chinese Simplified (CUVS)
以 赛 亚 书 51 (CUVS) »
Chinese Traditional (CUVT)
以 賽 亞 書 51 (CUVT) »
Albanian Bible (ALB)
Isaia 51 (ALB) »
Swedish Bible (SV1917)
Jesaja 51 (SV1917) »
Russian Bible (RUSV)
Исаия 51 (RUSV) »
Ukrainian Bible (UKR)
Ісая 51 (UKR) »
Hungarian Bible (KAR)
Ézsaiás 51 (KAR) »
Bulgarian Bible (BULG)
Исая 51 (BULG) »
Japanese Bible (JPN)
イザヤ書 51 (JPN) »
Norwegian Bible (NORSK)
Jesaja 51 (NORSK) »

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